My Favorite Travel Essentials
These are some of the essentials I always bring on my travels. You can find links to all the products, and similar products if I could not find the exact replica. These are affiliate links which means that you pay no more, no less for buying, it’s just a small percentage that goes to the person who influenced sale of the item.
A foldable and reusable water bottle
Eating tools: spoon, fork & chopsticks
The Grace on Tour Pandemic Travel Kit
Clear hand luggage approved toilet bag for liquids
Reusable and collapsible coffee cup
Reusable lunch box with essentials like mug, cup, table wear, chopping board and spice divider
Sink plug: to be able to wash clothes in a sink
Dirty & clean underwear divider(still to find a link to this product)
Universal travel adapter & converter: The Travel Bagel from Mogics